Orkhan Dzhemal
Media Safety Academy
Оnline courses offered by the Academy are aimed at Russian-speaking professional and citizen journalists, freelancers, bloggers, and online activists
Learn media safety fundamentals
14 experts
from 9 countries
80+ lessons
in 5 modules
30 days
30 minutes each
About Academy
Orkhan Dzhemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko – three journalists brutally murdered in the summer of 2018 in the Central African Republic, epitomised the best traits of a high-quality journalism: an acute stance towards justice, investigative skills, audacity and courage in the face of grave danger. Annually, Russian speaking journalists, freelancers and online activists encounter excessive risks. Acknowledging these risks, they nevertheless continue their work in the name of one of the fundamental human rights – freedom of speech, so that we, their audience, have access to information and facts, and not just to the propaganda and fakes.
The Justice for Journalists Foundation, is a London-based charity. In accordance with its Mission Statement and Objects, the Justice for Journalists Foundation helps investigate violence and abuse against media workers who have been targeted as a result of their professional duties. The vast majority of attacks against journalists remain unpunished, and there are currently no international mechanisms for pursuing and obtaining justice.
The Justice for Journalists Foundation, has launched Orkhan Dzhemal Media Safety Academy to equip Russian speaking media workers with skills and knowledge vital to stand up to their professional risks. The Academy offers free courses on the following topics:
- Risk Analysis and Structured Analytical Techniques
- Physical Security and First Aid
- Information and Cyber Security
- Psychological and Emotional Safety, Overcoming the Trauma
- Media Risks and Legal Security
The Academy welcomes Russian speaking media professionals, online activists, bloggers, professional and citizen journalists.

How to assess your risks?
Module 0
- 4 lessons
- 3 videos
- 00:47:00

How to maximise your physical security?
Module 1
- 37 lessons
- 44 videos
- 07:27:00

How to protect your digital data?
Module 2
- 15 lessons
- 10 videos
- 02:02:00

How to ensure your legal security?
Module 3
- 21 lessons
- 19 videos
- 05:53:00

What about psychological protection?
Module 4
- 4 lessons
- 4 videos
- 00:35:00
Eight video stories about brave fight against lie by journalists working in five post-Soviet states give you a realistic idea about the profession. These case-studies present a sober assessment of risks, threats and challenges facing media workers in the region. Accounts by these journalists would undoubtfully help their colleagues and associates.
Maria Ordzhonikidze
директор Фонда «Справедливость для журналистов»Galina Arapova
ведущий юрист и директор Центра защиты прав СМИShahida Tulaganova
военный журналист, режиссер и продюсерIgor Malakhov
журналист, продюсер, документалистSvitlana Valko
основательница правозащитной организации Truth HoundsGrant Wooton
сооснователь «Силк Роуд Тренинг» (Silk Road Training)Ramute Remezaite
адвокат по правам человекаAnthony Taggart
специалист по информационным технологиямArzu Gaybulla
обозреватель и писательGrigory Pasko
военный журналист и юристVugar Safarov
маркетолог и специалист по цифровым коммуникациямSofio Tabagua
психотерапевт, психиатр, клинический супервизорLela Tsiskarishviki
психологChris Lawton
сооснователь «Силк Роуд Тренинг» (Silk Road Training)